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You Asked, We Answered
Do you have a question about our services ? Here are some of my frequently asked questions and their answers. We’ve strived to include as much information as possible throughout the site, but if you have any additional inquiries, we’d be happy to help out. Feel free to call us or send us an email with your requests.
When are you opening?As of February 5, 2024, we are fully open and accepting enrollments!
What do I need to bring for my child?Please be sure to pack your child a blanket, a change of clothes, sunscreen, and if applicable, diapers, wipes and any diapering cream that they require. All items should be appropriately labelled with their first and last name.
What happens if my child does not drink 2% or 3.25% milk?If an alternate milk source is required, please bring your child's nut-free milk or formula in a new, opened container with their first and last name clearly labelled.
How often are diapers changed?All diapers are changed on demand and as needed throughout the day. We will apply diapering creams and face/body lotions but these must be labelled with specific instructions for your child. If your child requires any medicated creams that prescribed by a physician, this will require an additional form for administration.
Will my child have the opportunity for daily outdoor time?Outdoor play is very important for children and an integral part of our program. Children will enjoy outdoor play time daily unless whether does not permit. We follow centre guidelines but the final decision regarding outdoor play will be at the discretion of our Supervisor or Designate. Infants -5 degrees or warmer full hour outside Toddler & up -15 degrees or warmer full hour outside
What happens on snow days where schools are closed?In the event of serious inclement weather, every effort will be made to keep the centre operational during regular hours, however, we may be forced to cancel some of our services. On severe weather day’s we ask all our families to please call the centre before leaving home. Parents/guardians need to be aware that families will not be reimbursed for days missed due to severe weather conditions.
My child has dietary restrictionsWe do our best accommodate dietary or religious food requirements for children in our programs. We firmly believe that by providing children with healthy eating choices, we are mentoring life-long skills to notoriously feed and nourish their bodies for optimal health and development. If your child has food allergies or dietary restrictions, we will post these in the kitchen as well as in each classroom. Please be sure to notify the supervisors at the time of enrollment of theses dietary needs.
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